Volume-3, Issue-4
Category: Clinical
Article Type: Case Report
Hybrid Endovascular Repair for Dysphagia Lusoria in a Patient with Marfan Syndrome

Author(s): Adam W Calarese, Halim Yammine, Jocelyn K Ballast, Frank R Arko

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Case Series
Inadvertent Arterial Catheterization during Central Venous Catheter Insertion Same Problem with Different Management Modalities

Author(s): Amr Awad Albayomy, Mohamed Saad Saleh, Ayman S. Elsaid, Mohammed A Nasr, Abdelhalim A Mohamed, Ehab A Elashaal, Hosam M Al-Jehani

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Case Report
Category: Clinical
Article Type: Case Report

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