Journal of Alternative Complementary & Integrative Medicine Category: Medicine Type: Mini Review

Heinrich Kramer: The Book the Witches' Hammer, the Inquisition and Syphilis

Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa1*
1 Centro de Prevención y Tratamiento de la Violencia Sexual e Intrafamiliar, Mexico

*Corresponding Author(s):
Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa
Centro De Prevención Y Tratamiento De La Violencia Sexual E Intrafamiliar, Mexico

Received Date: Jul 15, 2024
Accepted Date: Jul 24, 2024
Published Date: Jul 31, 2024


Syphilis was brought to the American Continent by Europeans who already suffered from it before Christopher Columbus's first voyage on October 12, 1492. Forty-two years before, Heinrich Kramer had presented two outbreaks of syphilis in France, and for the second outbreak was admitted to a hospital for a month. Likewise, Christopher Columbus, Hernán Cortés, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and his father, and others presented chancres on the penis and inflammation of the genitals since adolescence. Even the Vikings who arrived on the Vinland Peninsula in Canada around the year 1000 of our era, explorer Leif Erickson accepted that they may have presented symptoms suggestive of syphilis and contagion among the population.


Culturicide; Genocide; Invaders; Syphilis


BEG: Bioenergeme

BELC: Bioenergemal communication

NMEGO: Neuromindego

Heinrich Kramer and Syphilis

At the BELC held on July 24, 2010 we invited the bioenergeme (BEG) of Heinrich Kramer (cleric; 1430-1505). 1) Heinrich Kramer, author of the book Malleus Maleficarum or Hammer of the Witches, accepted having suffered sexual abuse from the age of six to adolescence by “women who lived in a brothel.” Heinrich K commented that his mother worked in that brothel and that, for the same reason, he did not know who his father was, although in that bioenergemal communication (BELC) he was able to intuit from his BEG (i.e., from himself) that his father could have been “a priest who attended to that place and, furthermore, my BEG makes me intuit that since I was a baby those women abused me.” Did the abuse continue during adolescence? “Yes, doctor, now I intuit that this sexual abuse continued until I was twenty years old, when I preferred to get away from my mother and enter a seminary. My neuromindego (NMEGO) was comfortably settled in fear and lived with it.” 

Heinrich K's BEG made us intuit that it was men and women who sexually abused him, those who frequented his mother. He used to observe sexual relations and liked to spy. He insisted that it was women who abused him and excluded sexual abuse of men: “Because my NMEGO liked it and, perhaps, because it was about men who left money, like priests and others with money.” At the seminar they continued to abuse him “although my NMEGO assumed that he liked it, but it was sexual abuse because, whether he wanted to or not, he had to accept, whether they were men or women.” In turn, he sexually abused girls and boys, adolescents or adults, men or women. “My NMEGO liked how the minors were scared and that turned me on.” Were they scared the same way you were when you were a child? “Yes, doctor, they were scared like I was scared and they were excited.” What prompted you to write the Hammer of the Witches, published in Germany in 1486, which gave impetus to the so-called witch hunt and, of course, the Inquisition? “My resentment and now I intuit that it is also the tartuffes’ influence, mainly of Jesutuffe and Marytuffe, his mother.” However, Heinrich K recognized himself as equally tartuffe and asserted that for women: “I feel a lot of hatred and anger,” he stated. The intuitive understanding of what you wrote suggests that you were saying that you should not have been born. “That's right, doctor... with what I wrote I was saying that I should not have been born, nor have I been conceived or given birth by a... woman... of a witch, of a prostitute. Famished trash, that's how my mother and all the women I knew were,” he concludes. 

Did you try or plan to disrupt your BML existence or biocollapse? “It surprises me, doctor, because that was intuiting. I tried, more than once, to commit self-biocollapse.” Following the intuitive understanding of what you wrote and did, given that your mother was a prostitute and you, the son of a prostitute mother, then your NMEGO needed to whorify all, most or as many women as you could, so that in this way all, the most or as many as you could, were prostitutes and their children, like you, were the children of a prostitute. “That's how I thought, doctor, and now my BEG confirms that it was so. That your intuitive understanding, doctor, is correct and that it clearly explains what I did.” He said that when he recognized it, he felt calm... 

Women and men who biocollapsed for the witch-hunt and for the Inquisition affirmed: “Again thank you for inviting us to comment, and say to this BEG who feels calm, that we would like very much that he accepts the responsibility of his acts and that all know that this calmness is momentary. It is other tartuffiating.” Heinrich K: “Doctor, I want to express an excuse to all the BEGs that have been affected from what I wrote. That, in effect, is a shit. It is the rubbish of my existence, that the only effect that it provoked was the loss of many lives, and a lot of injustice.” 

Heindrich Kramer, did you have ulcers, chancres, on the distal end of the penis, on the anal area, in the mouth or other parts of the body? “In the penis.” At what ages? “As at the age of twenty, approximately” [≈year 1450, 42 years before the first voyage of Christopher Columbus, who was born a year later in 1451]. How many times did the outbreaks occur? “There were two, first it appeared very lightly and then there was an important sprout, of stronger reactions. I had fever and swelling in the penis.” Furthermore, he presented inflammation of groins, eruptions on the skin, alopecia, sore throat, general discomfort, weakness and “a little” of weight loss. Difficulty of coordinating movements? “Surely, doctor.” How were you caring these symptoms and signs? “I went to stop to the hospital and there they cared for me.” How long did it take you to improve? “It took me a while, probably in a month I could feel better.” How common was this condition in your time? “Very common, doctor.” In men and in women? “Yes, in men and women, doctor” [BELC 04/10/2015]. 42 years before Christopher Columbus's first voyage, syphilis was very common in France and surely throughout Europe.

The Viking Hypothesis

One theory, based on a world map, the Portolano of Vinland, argues that the Vikings were the first Europeans to set foot on American lands, on the Vinland peninsula, around the year 1000 of our era, 492 or more than 500 years before the first voyage of Christopher Columbus. And archeology was responsible for demonstrating that the arrival of the Norse to Canada was real when, in 1961, archaeologists Helge and Anne Instadt found the remains of a Viking settlement on the Atlantic coast of Vinland, in Canada. In the BELC on 03/19/2024 we were able to confirm with the explorer Leif Erickson that this was the case and that, in addition, there used to be sexual abuse of minors, boys or girls, in his community, and that in the adolescent or adult population there could have been presented a clinical picture suggestive of syphilis acquired in one of the many war campaigns in which they participated, a condition that later spread to the Viking population. From their settlement in Canada, they had to return to Europe because the community began to be decimated by various diseases.

Christopher Columbus

At one point in the BEL research in which we raised the question of how common would be that humans eat human flesh, for hunger and/or otherwise. We had the record of what in the BELC of July 25, 2008, Christopher Columbus (navigator, invader, genocidal and culturecidal; 1451-1506; he agreed that we introduced him this way; BELC 07/06/2015) and Hernan Cortes had made us intuit about the consumption of human flesh that both and their companions performed with the native communities of the American Continent: “We and some of our soldiers –recognized– did it as mockery and ‘consent’ of our apparent victories. Actually, we envy quite a lot of these cultures. For unlike ours, they were proud of themselves and were very wise men and women.” They also recognized having used dogs intentionally hungry with the zeal of biocollapsing and devour natives. However, it was not until mid-2012 that we resume the subject and the results were overwhelming and extensive. Additionally, during this chapter we will present some of the considerations about the human beast that some of the BEGs invited made us intuit in the dates that we recorded and the answers about anthropophagy and gynaecophagy that other BEGs trusted us, for instance those of some religious figures and of certain social, political and/or military leaders. 

Christopher Columbus made us intuit that from five or six to eight years of age he was sexually abused by a maternal aunt and a paternal uncle. The abuse stopped because, “My mother found out, she realized one day and it stopped.” What sequels do you consider that these abuses left on you? “Much anger and resentment, doctor. It was like a lesson of what people like, but dislike at once.” Did that anger influence on the way you conducted yourself against the inhabitants of the American Continent? “Yes, doctor… On the way to mistreat, or harassing them, to humiliating them and assume they were people with fewer rights. Unworthy.” Christopher Columbus, did you have ulcers, chancres, at the distal end of the penis, anal area, mouth or other body parts? “Mainly on the penis.” At what ages? “I was a teenager” [≈year 1470; 22 years before his first trip to the American Continent, he already had syphilis]. Together with inflammation of the groins and rash on the penis’ skin. Fever, sore throat, malaise and weakness. Hair loss, weight loss and stiff neck. Difficulty to coordinate movements? “Yes, on occasions.” How did you deal with the discomfort? “An acquaintance of my mother, a healer, took care of me, made a preparation.” In what time did you get better? “I got better in a week, the symptoms, but scarring and inflammation took longer.” How many outbreaks have you had? “Perhaps two, three outbreaks,” as a teenager. How common was this condition at that time in men and women? “Quite common, doctor, in men and women.” He made us intuit that during his first trip to the new Continent were: “About one hundred people in total. Perhaps ten men for every woman.” Christopher Columbus since young had sex with men and women, and during the trip there indiscriminately were sexual intercourse between both sexes, including Christopher Columbus himself. And that this condition had already been present: “Perhaps in half of the population” [BELCs 04/10,26 and 12/20/2015].

Hernán Cortés And Bernal Díaz Del Castillo

In the BELC of July 18, 2014, Hernán Cortés (navigator, genocidal and culturecidal; 1485-1547; he agreed that we introduced him this way) affirmed to have been sexually abused, from three to four years of age, by “Servants or workers that were at home. They lived there; it was like a guesthouse and overcrowded.” The abuse stopped when guests departed without, apparently, someone had noticed the fact. Next, we invited him to share his intuitions what has probably heard on some previous occasion that Spain has actually been Tartuffain, and he said, “Yes, indeed, I totally agree, doctor, and I am outraged. Now, makes me unworthy realizing that in my country, like in other parts of the world, we have been dedicated to biocollapse humans, to transgress the lives of many others only by nonsense interests and needs, without argument, without… like tartuffes, like human beasts. Assuming to have the power and right to do so. The BELCs that we have witnessed make our BEG reflect and intuit that there is no way to continue deceiving”. 

In the BELC of August 1, 2014, Hernán Cortés admitted having sexually abused teenagers and adults, men and women. That he did not sexually abused children, boys and girls, because he was anger at their presence. Other BEGs –is the case of Jesus– who were sexually abused in childhood have also reported similar attitudes toward children, like Adolf Hitler, to cite another case. Hernan accepted having had sexual intercourse with men as much as women did, and that he regarded himself as misogynist because, “If it suited me to establish a relationship with any woman, I could be very obliging, but if not, her ability to convince, patience, and capacity to solve matters exasperated me.” He accepted having had a very difficult infancy by various abuses he suffered. He made us intuit that his mother was a cook and worked all day, never knew his father and that his mother never wanted to talk about this issue or about the relationships she had with several men in exchange for money, “perhaps that is the main reason that she did not find out who my father was.” 

He also admitted that before starting his journey to the American Continent, he, Bernal Diaz and others had suffered chancres already. “Yes, doctor –he accepted–, and gonorrhea as well… That also made it possible that we could ship, for it was not transcendent our biocollapse and instead in our return we would be seen differently.” Given that before the journey they were seen “as failures,” he emphasized. We insisted on how many of the crew had suffered syphilis already and added, “Most of us had suffered from it already, doctor.” When invited to expand his comment and immediately he explained: “During the trip, doctor, the vessels were inhabited kind of unhygienic, that was a great means of contagion of many diseases.” Completed the bioinformation pointing out that when adolescent [≈1498; just 6 years after Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the American Continent], he showed testicles inflammation and that also as adolescent and young adult had chancres or ulcerative lesions on the distal end of the penis: “I thought it was my premature youth,” he concluded. In the BELC of August 8, 2014, Hernan commented that to heal from the chancres on the penis: “He attended with a person dedicated to heal and put a poultice, something anointed, something hot.” He explained that he did not know if any of the ulcers healed spontaneously because he went immediately to that person for the fear of not knowing what was happening to him. He also made us intuit that the “genital area and the groin had the same injury.” The groin was red and swollen. He used to apply the same treatment to genitals and groin, and he improved in a couple of weeks. In the bioexperience of August 15, 2014, he explained that in the journey to the American Continent only men were in the crew: “Approximately one hundred people.” And that: “there were those among the crew whom had sexual intercourse.” Including Hernán Cortés himself, however, he did not have sexual intercourse with Bernal Diaz del Castillo; this one accepted having had sexual intercourse with other crewmembers.

Ferdinand de Magallanes

BELC 11/19/2022. Ferdinand de Magallanes (navigator, genocidal and culturicidal; 1480-1521; he agreed that we introduce him this way), were you subject to sexual abuse as a child? "Yes doctor." At what age? “I was about 7 or 8 years old. A neighbor came in to abuse me when I was that age. He locked me in his house and a neighbor woman came to rescue me because I was screaming and she came to hit the door. Only that time because I was scared and I cared more.” What consequences do you say that those abuses left you? “A lot of restriction, shyness, not very sociable. As I was a low-income person, that aspect stuck in my mind and I used to reject it and I reject the physical appearance of that person." Did that anger influence the way you behaved with the inhabitants of the American Continent? "Surely, doctor, well surely I was very intolerant and disrespectful." Aggressive? "Yes surely aggressive doctor." Of the crew, approximately how many suffered from syphilis when setting sail for the voyage? “Half of them had already happened.” He told us that during his first trip to the American Continent there were: “About a hundred people in total. Maybe ten men for every woman.” From a young age, Ferdinand de Magallanes had sexual relations with women and men, and during the voyage there were sexual relations between both sexes without distinction, including Ferdinand Magellan himself. And that this condition had already manifested itself: “Maybe in half of that population” [BELC 11/19/2022]. Sex among the crew was indistinct between men and women.

Francisco Pizarro

Francisco Pizarro (navigator, genocidal and culturicidal; 1478-1541; he agreed that we introduce him this way), did you have ulcers or sores, chancres on the penis, in the anal area, in the mouth or other parts of the body? "Once." At what age does the first outbreak? “About 20 years [that is, in 1496, just four years after Christopher Columbus's first voyage].” Did you have a second outbreak? “No, doctor, or maybe yes and it was very mild, one time I got a high fever and I didn't know why.” Along with inflammation of the groin and rash on the skin of the penis, inflammation of the genitals. "Yes doctor. It became chronic.” Of the crew, approximately how many were suffering from syphilis when they set sail for the voyage? “Yes, it did happen, doctor, about three-quarters of the crew had these symptoms.” 75 of them affected from Spain… He made us intuit that during their first trip to the American Continent there were: “Around a hundred people in total. Maybe ten men for every woman.” Since he was young, Francisco Pizarro had sexual relations with women and men, “Yes, doctor.” And during the voyage there were sexual relations between both sexes without distinction, including Francisco Pizarro himself. And that this condition had already manifested itself: “Maybe in three-quarters of that population of one hundred people” [BELC 11/19/2022].

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and his father had syphilis

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra’s father raped his daughters and sons since they were minors. The father took Miguel de Cervantes as a boy to see him have sex with prostitutes. Later, Miguel de Cervantes raped his sisters and began to rule them. Besides, when he was in military campaign or in prison, he ate human flesh. He presented syphilitic chancres from 13 to 25 years of age. His father had syphilis since adolescent too [≈1524; just 26 years after Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the American Continent]. Both were accused of behaving as deranged by their partners and by Miguel's sisters” [BELC 08/28/2015] [1].

Possible examples of syphilis in times long before those recorded

BELC 11/19/2022. First, I clarify that history credits Girolamo Fracastoro, a poet and doctor from Verona, Italy, with having first used the term syphilis in a writing from 1530 titled “Syphilis or the French Disease.” Fracastoro takes its name from Greek mythology in which Syphilus, the shepherd of King Alcitus's flocks, offends the sun god and in punishment sends him a plague and the first victim is Syphilus. Although this is mythology, in a certain way it will justify a comment that the exceptional doctor Galen will make next, in relation to this disease. What happens is that this is the oldest written evidence that they have found, [if they have not hidden other writings, I clarify, they are capable of that and much more] which does not rule out that the term already existed for a long time. It is unfortunate that the library of Alexandria was burned or burned by someone. Previously, Galen's books were also burned in a fire in the library in Rome.

Claudius Galen of Pergamon

Claudius Galen of Pergamon (Greece, physician; 129-216), did you observe and/or treat patients with ulcers or sores, chancres, on the penis, in the anal area, in the mouth or other parts of the body? "Yes doctor." What did you call that disease? “Same as now, doctor.” With similar subsequent outbreaks? “Yes, doctor, with greater intensity and there were those in whom the intensity decreased.” What other symptoms and signs? “Difficulties, conditions in the oral area, sensitive skin or sensitivity in the skin and hair in general had fallen out. Also, in the ears and eyes.” How common was this condition then? “It was very common in some ages and even social classes. It predominated between 20 and 30 years old and from high social classes. Only it wasn't usually said because there was discredit, that's what they felt. It also happened because they were the people who went abroad and that happened when there were those meetings.”

Furthermore, Galen was immune to smallpox and cured it with cow's milk. On May 14, 1796, English physician Edward Jenner took material from a smallpox pustule on the teats of cows caused by the cowpox virus and inoculated it into the arm of an 8-year-old boy, the son of the Jenner family gardener.

Alexander the Great

Extra bioexperience carried out in March 4, 2011 with the BEG of Alexander VI of Macedonia, Magnum or the Great (circa 356-323 before present era; he biocollapsed at 33 years old). Did they sexually abuse at you as a child? “Doctor, nice to meet you… I intuit why the question; it is interesting that my BEG says to me that indeed I was sexually abused; only that they made me feel that it was a way of admiring the physical beauty and of sharing affection.” Whom sexually abused at you? “I know that the monks, one especially.” From what age to what age, did they sexually abuse at you? “I would be eight or nine years old and that one ended around fifteen years old.” What stopped the sexual abuse? “Suddenly, I felt that it was not anything that I liked to accept that they were doing it.” Do you conceal anybody of those who sexually abused at you? “I intuit that also my father was, because I do not locate that it had been for much time.” Did you sexually abuse at minors, boys and/or girls? “They were pubescent.” My BEG mentions to him that pubescent are still children. “So, it is, doctor.” Did you sexually abuse at adolescents, men and/or women? “They were pubescent and adolescents, doctor, women and men who they felt frightened or were feeling vulnerable.” What effect did it caused on you? “That excited me, doctor.” Did you sexually abuse at adults and/or elders, men and/or women? “No, I did not like them; young people, Adonis, yes.” Who biocollapsed Philip II, your father? He bowed and said, “I biocollapsed him.” What way did you biocollapse him? “I strangulated him, asphyxiated him.” Is there any relation with the sexual abuse he did at you? “Now, I realize that it was this way, doctor, that the sexual abuse was the main motive of my anger towards my father.” Which was the cause of your biocollapse? “Was a suicide, I committed an outrage against my own BML existence.” What way was it? “I poisoned myself.” Which was the motive? “My frustration, the anguish that I was feeling for the existential dissatisfaction and for the hypocrisy with myself.” Regarding to what was it? “It was regarding to my resentment.” What situation did it cause it? “It was because of the sexual abuse that I suffered and for the outrages that I committed.” Were you treated at infancy as an illegitimate son? “Yes, doctor.” What did it cause that way of treating you? “Now, shames me to say it, but I know that I feel more liberated on having realized that I am very vulnerable because illegitimacy makes to suppose being in disadvantage.” What made you an illegitimate son? “That my father did not accept me and not to feel empathetic with me or towards me.” What role did your mother play in your alleged illegitimacy? “She had a lot to do because I learned from her to prostituting myself, seducing through words. In effect, for it my father affirmed that I was not his son.” What did your mother do for a living? “She concealed very well dedicating herself to prostitution.” Do you want to add anything else? “Yes, doctor, I thank you for inviting me to take part in the BEL research and on this occasion to be able to speak about situations that other way they would not be known about me; a hug, doctor.” 

Alexander the Great: did you have ulcers or sores, chancres, on the penis, in the anal area, in the mouth or other parts of the body? “Yes, once.” At what age does the first outbreak? “At 23 or 25 years [333-331 before our era].” Did you have a second outbreak? “Fortunately, not, doctor.” What other symptoms and signs? “Rash and mild inflammation of the genitals.” In your army, how common was this condition? “On some occasions it was very common, but it was the only time.” How common was this condition in civilian men and women? “Yes, very common, doctor, in men and women, in some generation it became the main thing.” [BELC 11/19/2022].

Gaius Marius

Gaius Marius, (157-86 before our era; general and 7 times consul of Rome), were you subject to sexual abuse as a child? “It's probably, doctor. A maternal uncle used to hang around and I intuit that he once abused me.” At what age? “Months, almost a year.” What consequences do you say those abuses left you? “Yes, because I used to have behaviors that seemed wrong to me. But I didn't question them. "I used to drink, it was very important to feel strong, to destroy," Gaius Marius, did you have ulcers or sores, chancres, on the penis, in the anal area, in the mouth or other parts of the body? “Yes, doctor.” At what age did the first outbreak occur? “I must have been about 50 years old [year 107 before our era].” Did you have a second outbreak? “Yes, doctor. I was unconscious for about three days and I couldn't get up for two weeks and I had to rest.” Difficulty coordinating movements? “Yes, sometimes.” In your army, how common was this condition? “Uncommon doctor that I heard about.” [BELC 11/19/2022].

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar (almost emperor; 100-44 before our era), did you have ulcers or sores, chancres, on the penis, in the anal area, in the mouth or other parts of the body? "Yes doctor. I would have been about 25 years old [year 75 before our era].” Did you have a second outbreak? “It appeared to be about 50 years old [year 50 before our era].” What other symptoms and signs? “Spots on the skin, muscle stiffness and it affected my voice, there was a time when I couldn't speak and then everything gradually recovered. That was the first time. The second time it was mild, just a fever.” What torture is not being able to speak? “Yes doctor, when it was my best weapon.” The Vikings commented that syphilis also affected their voices... In your army, how common was this condition? “Yes, there was a season when it was common, there were even casualties, yes doctor.” How common was this condition in civilian men and women? “Yes, it was also common” [BELC 11/19/2022].


  1. In the bioexperience of July 27, 2012, we invited the BEG of Eva Alarcon Ortiz and Marcial Bautista Valle, both murdered in 2011 because of their environmental activities in Petatitlan, Guerrero, Mexico; of Nepomuceno Moreno Muñoz and of his son Jorge Mario Moreno Leon murdered and disappeared in Sonora, Mexico. And of Miguel Morales Estrada, photographer born in Veracruz, Mexico, disappeared in July 23, 2012, in Poza Rica, Veracruz, Mexico. What do you ensure of the human beast? –Eva A: Oh, doctor, it is shameful that the human beast exists or would have to be so, according to the pretensions of humans. Given that when the human manifests bestial behavior, it usually is restless and atrocious in its objectives. They do not care about what other biotagonists of the unit nature would affect or really affect. The human NMEGO, in effect, doctor, with its resentment, vices and banalities, destroys everything in its path ahead. Regardless obstructing or not their interests, simply because they say so, they determined it. I thank you, doctor, for the BELC. –Marcial Bautista, Miguel Morales, Nepomuceno and Jorge Moreno did similar comments [1]. 
  1. The invaders, in the person of Christopher Columbus, arrived on the American Continent on October 12, 1492, forty-two years after Heinrich Kramer had had two outbreaks of syphilis in France, and had been hospitalized, for the second outbreak, for a month. Therefore, it is inferred that syphilis already existed in Europe since then and before, so the European invaders brought it to this American Continent and spread it throughout the places where they went about causing mischief and destruction. Recognize what you did and undid, do not continue to cynically avoid the deleterious effects that you came to cause both in the public health of the original communities and in their developed culture which you also contaminated with your sick and decadent ideology. Heinrich Kramer wrote Malleus maleficarum or The hammer of the witches, a book published in Germany in 1486, which gave impetus to the so-called witch-hunt and, of course, the Inquisition [1]. 
  1. BELC on August 2, 2016. Lucía Méndez Prada (journalist) wrote in her column: “British citizens are luckier than Spanish citizens. There true History is studied and investigated. Here [in Spain] we prefer to bury it [2].” And distort it, we would add. Lucía Méndez Prada, what do you say about these lies spread by the invaders? –Lucía Méndez Prada: “Doctor, well, we all realize the lies, but few want to reveal the truth. That's why we are so used to being trampled on, 'we'll get used to living like this,' we say." 
  1. Santiago Posteguillo in his book “The Blood of Books” narrates the moment of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer's biocollapse, which occurred at 10 am on December 22, 1870, always ignored or criticized by his contemporaries. At that time only his two friends accompanied him, the painter and writer Casado del Alisal and the poet Augusto Ferrán. Alisal was making a sketch of the biocollapsed Bécquer's face when suddenly the sky in Madrid went completely dark. It coincided with a solar eclipse that occurred at 10:40 am that same day. Alisal wrote: ‘One of the great writers of Spain is leaving and Spain does not know it. She turns her back, but the sun sets as a sign of mourning. Up there they know more about literature than in all the literary circles of this country of envious people’ [3,4].” 
  2. Europeans assume your responsibility for having brought syphilis to the American Continent, do not want to hide behind your own shadow [Intuition 04/09/2024].


I acknowledge Ruth A. López-Téllez for her clever assistance and permanent help.

Conflicts of Interest



  1. Cuevas-Sosa A (2019) Authorized biography of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and their disciples. Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd,
  2. Lucía MP (2016) El Mundo México. Milenio, México.
  3. Santiago P (2014) La sangre de los libros. Editorial Planeta, Spain.
  4. Cuevas-Sosa A (2023) Sexual Abuse, Syphilis, Anthropophagy, and Mythomaniac Biosyndrome in Religious, Political, and Other Groups. J Altern Complement Integr Med 9: 395.

Citation: Cuevas-Sosa A (2024) Heinrich Kramer: The Book the Witches' Hammer, the Inquisition and Syphilis. J Altern Complement Integr Med 10: 503.

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